Saturday, September 6, 2008

Day two Morning Pages

Morning pages this morning were a bit difficult. I got through them, but it feels sort of weird to write with nothing to say. In the book, Julia Cameron says morning pages aren't just for writers and that they can sometimes actually be more difficult for writers, who want to "write" them. The whole idea is to get the junk out, so stopping the censor can be difficult for me. Plus my pen kept running out of ink, and I got a phone call. All that in the span of writing three pages longhand.

I definitely see the value in it. Yesterday, I helped a friend rewrite a couple of paragraphs and I did a lot of journalling of my own. Plus, I worked on the exercises from chapter 1 some, which included listing the monsters of your creativity and the champions of your creativity. Basically, tracing back the negative junk in your head about your own creativity and writing, to the people who put it there and doing the same for the positive. I have a few on each side. I had teachers tell me in high school, I should rethink my desire to major in English, but in 11th grade, I had a teacher who I thought was just awesome. He brought back what others crushed. In fact, the next year, I worked as his teacher's aide so that I could hear him again. I did major in English and I did really well in all of my college English and Writing classes. The only classes I got Cs in had nothing to do with my major. Geology, C++, and Pottery.

The C in Pottery, I swear was a pity grade, because in all reality, my pottery was a horrible experiment gone wrong. I thought that taking a pottery class first thing in the morning, would be relaxing. In reality, being in with a bunch of art majors, and me never getting the hang of throwing a pot, it was really comical. I thought about starting my own line: Imperfection as an Artform.

C++ I was actually good at and I had fun with the class. I got an A the first semester but a C in the second because I blew the final and I didn't do too well on a test, I think. It was a tumultuous time in my life, and my last semester in college.

The Cs in both Geology classes. I have no excuses. I'm just not much for Science. I didn't study enough and I fell asleep in class.

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